Restructuring Model Analysis Features in BloomingLeaf

Restructuring Model Analysis Features to Support Multiple Analysis Configurations in BloomingLeaf

Kathleen Hablutzel, Ali Eshghi, Ester Zhao, Isabella Brody-Calixto, Yanning Tan, and Yesugen Baatartogtokh

In this project, we completed a major refactoring of the existing code base, the main goal of which is to allow users to create and store multiple analysis configurations and associated results. These features will allow users to compare and contrast various analysis configurations and their results in order to glean more insights from the tool. This will improve the usability of BloomingLeaf, as previously users were only allowed to have one analysis configuration and one result at a time. In order to complete this refactor we have been restructuring the frontend of the tool, adding documentation to legacy code, and cleaning up the codebase. As we work through this refactoring project we have researched best practices and are documenting them in order to have a consistent standard for future work on the BloomingLeaf codebase.

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