Color Visualization in Modeling and Analysis

Note: This work is published in the Proceedings of the 13th International i* Workshop, the abstract and talk slides can be veiwed here.

Color Visualization in Modeling and Analysis
By Megan H. Varnum and Kate M. B. Spencer

Begining in Fall 2019 Megan and Kate worked on developing and implementing Evaliation Visulization Overlay(EVO) in BloomingLeaf. Using EVO stakeholders are able to color the intentions in their goal models based on the intentions satisfaction values. This is useful in both the static initial goal model, as well as across the time based analysis possible in BloomingLeaf. Intention satisfaction is determinded based on evidence pairs, with both evidence for and evidence against satisfaction. This work is published in the Proceedings of the 13th International i* Workshop.

In Fall 2020 they are working on a study to validate the contributions of EVO. If you have experience in requirements engineering and would like to participate in the study, please contact Dr. Grubb

goal model with EVO enabled across a simulated path

evidence pairs with corresponding colors.